3732-34 W Irving Park Rd. Chicago IL 60618
773/866 – 5266
Let us help you handle your gift-giving. We are taking orders for our custom party and gift baskets, which include our house made:
$75 small
1 bottle Red, White or Sparkling Wine
Fresh Bread
Pâté and/or Mortadella
Assorted Artisanal Cheese
$100 medium
1 bottle of Red, White or Sparkling Wine
Fresh Bread
Pâté and/or Mortadella
Assorted Artisanal Cheese
Rosemary Sea Salt Almonds or 5-Nut Granola
Large $150.00
2 bottles of Red, White or Sparkling Wine
Fresh Bread
Pâté and/or Mortadella
Assorted Artisanal Cheese
Rosemary Sea Salt Almonds or 5-Nut Granola
*Please note a seven day advance notice is needed